ESW Diesel Retrofit
CARB-Verified diesel retrofit systems for on-road and off-road applications

ESW's CARB-verified diesel particulate filter systems are specifically designed to provide diesel particulate (PM) reductions for in-use diesel engines in off-road applications, including challenging duty cycles with cold exhaust and older engines.
Our retrofit diesel particulate filter systems balance the mandate for cleaner air with the demanding requirements of real-world off-road diesel applications, and the desire to maximize the economic life cycle of your equipment, while avoiding costly replacement.
For more information about diesel retrofit, download ESW's On-Road DPF Product Matrix or Off-Road DPF Product Matrix, or visit the Why Retrofit? page.
On-Road Products

Active diesel burner DPF regeneration
Engines: 1993-2010 | 100-450 hp | 2.7-13 liters
Retrofit Service and Replacement Parts
Service and replacement parts for retrofit systems can be obtained through ESW distributors or directly from ESW when there is no distributor support available. Note that in order to maintain CARB-verified status, many of the parts in retrofit systems can only be replaced by authentic parts from the manufacturer. Contact ESW for details.
Although many customers have upgraded their fleets to vehicles that are equipped with OEM emission control systems there are still many vehicles with retrofit emission control systems in operation today. Realizing that some distributors of retrofit technologies are no longer in a position to provide much needed service, the ESW Service Team has chosen to provide direct support for:
Warranty repair
Inspection and maintenance
Regular maintenance
System Repairs
Maintenance training with diagnostic software
New system installations
Opacity testing (with maintenance)
Our service team can schedule maintenance performed at your location or as needed. In some cases, we may be able to provide technical assistance remotely for any of the systems listed above.